I have thought that Bitcoin is a scam.

How about the national mining industry, the national mining industry to dig up bitcoin worth?

Let's first read an article about Bitcoin:

There is no entity, you can't see it, the so-called coin is just a string of codes;

The price fluctuations are particularly large, with a few hundred percent increase or decrease in a few months;

Domestic banks have issued high-risk tips.

I used to think that bitcoin was just a scam.

There is no entity, no way to see it. The so-called currency is just a string of codes; the price fluctuations are particularly large, and hundreds of times in a few months, the domestic banks have issued high-risk tips.

In short, influenced by these factors, I will be given a "scam" label whenever I hear the word bitcoin.

So, can Bitcoin still play?

In January 2017, this should not be the first time I heard about Bitcoin, but it was the one I was most impressed with. Because its price is close to 1000 US dollars, that is, 6000 RMB, which is a price that I am obsessed with the new iPhone.

When I was chatting with my colleagues (who didn't enter the blockchain industry at the time), we simply dropped the conclusion that "this thing has a bubble burst day and night" and didn't pay much attention, then ended up on Bitcoin. Discussion of the topic. I believe that the first time most people hear the price of tens of thousands of bitcoins, they will also subconsciously think that this is just a scam.

There are two reasons for not having sustained attention at the time:

Do not think that prices can continue to rise. Whether you are a scam or not, now that the price is so high, do you still want to lie to me to pick up? Do not admit that you missed the opportunity to invest. Although the price has been low, I have already heard of Bitcoin, but I have not bought it for various reasons. Now, when the price is so high, in order to protect my self-esteem, the brain automatically classifies Bitcoin as a pyramid scheme. The bad things of the class.

But did we really have to understand bitcoin at the time?

The first time I learned about Bitcoin in August, I was attracted by a friend's article "BCC (later renamed BCH) is the real bitcoin". I wrote a comparison between Bitcoin and BCC. Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer electronic cash system, and it has only since begun to get a deeper understanding of Bitcoin.

The first time I participated in the trading of the currency circle was also in August of 17 years, when BCC suddenly rose from 2000 to 6000 RMB, although this time I was a typical chasing leek, but no one is not rich, no money. If it doesn't rise, I can make a contribution to the BCC.

The first time I systematically learned about bitcoin in September of 17 years, that was the day before I interviewed the blockchain company. At that time, I was involved in the currency circle, and I knew very little about Bitcoin and the blockchain. I temporarily checked the relevant materials on the Internet to make up for it. I spent the night watching all kinds of bitcoin-related information. The most impressive thing was to help me the most. I know what is called "Bitcoin?"

This is the content that knows the most about Bitcoin. It explains the misunderstanding of Bitcoin, the operating mechanism of the Bitcoin network, the meaning of the birth of Bitcoin and the technology behind Bitcoin – the opportunities that blockchain can bring to society.

After the successful completion of the interview, I successfully entered the blockchain industry and conducted more in-depth study and exploration in this industry.

The biggest scam in history?

I often see an argument that classifies Bitcoin, Ponzi scheme and Tulip foam as one category. But I think this is the biggest misunderstanding of Bitcoin at this stage.

The so-called Ponzi scheme is to make up for the loopholes in the previous stage through the funds later, and to create a rich effect. But bitcoin is more like a kind of high-traffic securities. In the metaphor of coin-like people, bitcoin is more like code-level gold. He can act as a hard currency in the virtual world and can also be on the trading market. Circulate. As for the "Tulip Bubble", this is even more nonsense. From the rumors that are now more recognized, everyone knows that the "Tulip Bubble" is a fragile bubble. There is no possibility of recovery after the bubble is broken, but Bitcoin from 2009 to 2018. During the decade of this year, it experienced a plunging of different sizes, and the biggest drop was even close to a 90% decline. Bitcoin has once again returned to the price before the previous plunge in this plunge, even surpassing the previous high to re-create a new high.

The reproduction of the miners' family_Whatsminer

It may be the relationship of my students, and the one that fascinates me the most is the incentive mechanism of Bitcoin. It's like copying a gene. A gene is a very useless and fragile creature code, but he writes the breeding thing into the code, encouraging animals to do it through the pleasure of the animal (most animals). Reproduction, and then the replication of genes in the physical world.

Let's look at the reward mechanism of Bitcoin. I said that before we briefly introduce the mining of Bitcoin, the miners need to put in equipment (mining machine), and also need to consume energy (electric energy) to calculate the hash value to get the reward of Bitcoin. Bitcoin encourages miners around the world to consistently and steadily calculate Bitcoin block hashes by mining rewards (money returns) so that Bitcoin networks can be run without management, forever, and all in The decentralized mechanism operates. In addition, Nakamoto has finally disappeared into the development community, pushing Bitcoin to a higher stage of self-development. If AI is the self-evolution of the robot brain, the mechanism of Bitcoin is to provide a perfect template for the self-survival of the code.

From 2008, Nakamoto said the concept of Bitcoin for the first time. By the time Nakamoto wrote the Bitcoin white paper in 2009, there was actually no blockchain. In this article, only the chain was mentioned.

A blockchain is a distributed system in which nodes participate. Its characteristics are unchangeable, unforgeable, and can be understood as a ledger system. It is an important concept of Bitcoin, a copy of the complete Bitcoin blockchain, which records every transaction of its token. With this information, we can find the value each address has at any point in history.

So people began to discover that the technology behind Bitcoin seems to be more powerful, so some teams began to study blockchain technology, and also launched a variety of blockchain products based on the nature of blockchain technology. Due to the characteristics of blockchain, it has been widely used in finance, information storage and Internet of Things.

After continuous learning in the industry, the current understanding of Bitcoin is not only to know that this is not a scam, but more importantly, I think Bitcoin is a social revolution, and he will bring about earth-shaking changes in many aspects of society as a whole. . An efficient financial system, an information carrier that cannot be tampered with encryption, and an Internet of Things that realizes the interconnection of people will all be developed at a higher speed because of the blockchain.

Bitcoin's recent price is around 50,000 yuan, and the highest point is close to 130,000 yuan. It is not so much a bubble-breaking stage as it is from 130,000 to 50,000. Whether there is a bubble in the valuation of real estate or Internet companies, the existence of the bubble stems from people's desire for wealth.

Although it is not allowed to speculate in various types of cryptocurrencies in China, it still has a positive attitude towards the blockchain technology behind it. After Hangzhou, Beijing also established a blockchain investment fund to support high-quality blockchain projects. From a blockchain patent number document at the beginning of the year, China has already found itself in the world's leading position in the research and development of blockchain technology.

The development of Bitcoin is not the same as usual. It was first popular from the geek world. Later, because of its extremely high money-making effect, it attracted a lot of capital and the attention of Wall Street tycoons. Finally, it was reported through the media. Human vision. So this is a phenomenon that violates the usual social laws, from technical geeks to business elites to ordinary people. Ordinary people are at the last ring, and the information they receive is far less accurate and objective than the people in the previous rings.

After the Bitcoin futures on the New York Stock Exchange and the Bitcoin wallet on the Huawei App Store, today's Apple stock market software has also joined various digital currencies. It can be said that the current cryptocurrency industry has not only played such a small player, but there may be a larger organization or organization in the future, and it is more likely to become a weapon for the big country.

As a practitioner in the blockchain industry, I feel that we must not only tell our friends that Bitcoin is not a scam, but also tell them that blockchain is not just a bitcoin. Bitcoin is not just a tool for speculation. Only if the bitcoin is properly named, can the blockchain be renamed in order to be the industry name._Whatsminer dealer



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